1st PAA Meeting Minutes- 8/24/11


o   Welcome Back! Lilla Pivnick, Jones ’12, will be serving as Student Director of PAAs for 2011-2012.

o   Nicole Van den Heuvel, Director of the CCD- upcoming Career Expo, September 12

o   Caroline Quenemoen, Director of Fellowships and Research- Discover Research Fair TODAY (Thursday, 6-7:30 in the Grand Hall), Fellowship/scholarship application process

o   Judy Le, Director of Leadership Rice – opportunities for LEAD classes, Summer Mentorship Experience

O-Week PAAs

o   Way to go O-week PAAs!

o   Dr. Gibson- Faculty Mentors for every O-week group on campus

o   COMM Exam- Mandatory this year, new scoring breakdown

 PALs program

Every PAA will be matched with new students as part of the PAL (Peer Academic Liaison) program. Please check in with these students every couple weeks so they know they have trusty PAA as a resource.


o   T-Shirts- See upcoming email with order form!

o   Changes in Majors/Contact information- Check the website’s PAA list (http://www.students.rice.edu/uploadedFiles/Students/Academic_Advising/PAA%20List%2020110819.pdf) and let us know if any further updates are needed.

o   Like us on FB! Follow us on Twitter! (www.facebook.com/RiceAcademicAdvising) (http://twitter.com/#!/riceacademics)


Talk with Head PAAs about goals and plans for the upcoming semester. Consider a study break early in the semester to introduce the group. Talk about ideas to increase visibility on campus and within your college

o   Door Signs & Posters

o   Announcements at college government meetings

o   Events within the college associated with academic advising

We’re looking forward to a great year! Thanks for all your help and service as a PAA.

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