We’ve been seeing a lot of Blue PAA shirts around campus… way to show off your advising pride!!!
In light of our new shirts, we would like to showcase Joanna Luo, fellow PAA at McMurtry College, for her work on our new PAA logo. For those of you who are new to the PAA program, we were logo-less until Joanna took on the project to give our organization a proper header. On behalf of the PAA program, we would like to give Joanna a hearty thanks for her design and her desire to fill a gap in the PAA program by making us a logo.
And a big thanks to all our PAAs who are sporting our new shirts around campus! Way to advertise us and look good while doing it 😉
Here’s a picture of our O-Week PAAs sporting their O-Week PAA shirts in white… the Yearlong PAA shirts are navy with a white and gray PAA logo!