Of course, there are lots of perks to being a PAA. When asked what their favorite part of being a PAA was, here’s what some current PAAs had to say.
“My favorite thing about being a PAA is the feeling you get when you see [someone] breathe a sigh of relief because they’re no longer stressed about class selection.”–Peter Abraham, McMurtry 2014
“My favorite thing is that I have the opportunity to meet more and more people as I advise, which is awesome because I get to do my job as a PAA – I really enjoy advising/tutoring – and I get to hear more about people’s different backgrounds and interests.”–Sachin Allahabadi, Sid 2013
“It’s a great feeling to know that you’ve helped someone. A thank you doesn’t hurt either :)” –Vinita Israni, Hanszen 2013
“I enjoy serving as a mentor to students on a personal level to help them plan for future courses, decide on a major, determine four year plans, and explore exciting opportunities both in and outside of the classroom. The most rewarding part of my PAA experience has been serving as a mentor to students on this personal level—building strong, positive relationships.”–Emily Pyle, McMurtry 2012