Acronyms are prevalent here at Rice. They may seem confusing at first, but soon enough you’ll learn the faces and mission statements behind all those capital letters. One acronym you should definitely know is PAA. This stands for Peer Academic Advisor. Peer Academic Advisors (PAAs) are the powerhouse of Rice’s academic advising system. There are 15-20 trained PAAs in each college who are there to help you with whatever academic area you might be struggling with.
During O-week, there will be three O-week PAAs at each college just to help you with any academic related issues and/or questions. They have taken the time to learn the rules and regulations for graduation, exciting opportunities and resources, and have a great network for all things academic. They come from all types of majors and backgrounds and most importantly, they are students just like you. Their first-hand experience with classes, professors, and complications that come with being a student at Rice combined with their extensive training ensures them to be an invaluable resource. They are here to help you. Know them. Use them. Love them.
Here’s last year’s group: